Cancer Rehabilitation in the Twin Cities
Twin Cities Breast Cancer Rehab is a sub-specialty of OrthoRehab Specialists. We provide comprehensive treatment for breast cancer patients, looking at “the whole picture” with the goal of getting you back to feeling like you.
Twin Cities Cancer Rehab Can Help You With:
Lymphedema Education, Risk Reduction, and Treatment
Shoulder Pain, Stiffness, and Weakness
Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome (Back, Chest, Rib, and Breast Pain)
Axillary Web Syndrome / Cording (pulling in your armpit or down your arm)
Return to Exercise/Activity
Contact Twin Cities Breast Cancer Rehab today to see how we can help!
Cancer Patient Testimonial
“For the first time in many years (seven), I am free from pain and muscle soreness related to my mastectomy surgery! I was recommended to OrthoRehab by my plastic surgeon in an attempt to try something different that may help me. OrthoRehab has focused on my pain in ways that other physical therapy groups weren’t able to. I HIGHLY recommend OrthoRehab to anyone frustrated with continual pain and issues related to surgeries, etc.”
-Cindy H.
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