October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and according to the American Cancer Society, approximately 1 in 8 women will develop invasive
Dynamic Balance in Athletics
Balance has always been considered an important component of post injury or surgical recovery, and it is frequently used as one of the criteria for
Lateral Elbow Pain – An Overview of Treatment and Recovery
Lateral epicondylitis, “tennis elbow” is by far the most common upper extremity injury noted in the recreational tennis population and comprises up to
Preferred Post Workout Nutritional Supplement That You Might Already Have Stocked, is Expert Recommended, and is Incredibly Affordable
Last Thursday, one of my patients stopped me on my way out of a treatment room to ask me a seemingly simple question. “I have a daughter that is a
Recharge After a Tough Workout!
So, you just braved the Minnesota winter and got your run, walk or bike in? Here are some simple recovery tricks: 1) Get hydrated! Even though it
Understanding Overuse / Overload Injuries
As a Physical Therapist, one of the patterns I have observed over the years is that approximately 85% of patients that arrive for an initial