Odds are you had a parent or a teacher tell you to stand up straight or to quit slouching in your chair at some point in your life, but know that you
How Technology Is Innovating The World Of Physical Therapy
Technology is unlikely ever to completely replace a physical therapist, but it can certainly help make our job easier and improve the care that we
How Patients Can Make Their Physical Therapy Exercises More Fun
Physical therapy isn’t always the most fun way to spend your time, but if you do your exercises regularly, you can restore physical function and make
Does Medicare Pay For Physical Therapy?
Millions of people need physical therapy services each year, and many of those people are over the age of 65 and Medicare eligible. If you’re over the
Physical Therapy Can Save You Time, Money, Independence & More
Physical therapy is an incredible rehabilitation technique that can help save you in a number of ways. Odds are that if you are willing to put in the
Treating Post-Intensive Care Syndrome With Physical Therapy
Millions of people are treated in an intensive care unit (ICU) every year, and a fair amount will need to be connected to a ventilator to help them
How To Improve Your Elbow Range Of Motion With Physical Therapy
Your elbow is a hinged joint that handles a fair amount of stress during certain actions, especially when swinging an object like a tennis racquet or
Dry Needling For The Recovering Athlete
Dry needling is a treatment technique used by physical therapists and other trained specialists that promotes tissue healing in specific areas of the
Managing Physical Therapy And A Busy Schedule
f you’re like most people, odds are you’re pretty busy. Between work, family and your social life, there’s not always a lot of time left in the day