Every foot shape is unique, and nobody bears stress through their foot in the exact same manner. While the size of a shoe can change, the overall
Physical Therapy For Mommy Tummy (Diastasis Recti)
Your body goes through some amazing physical changes as your baby grows and you prepare for childbirth. Your belly will grow bigger as your child
Fighting Frailty With Physical Therapy
Frailty is a condition in which an individual becomes unable to handle the normal everyday stress that is placed on their body. Their muscles may no
The Difference Between Soreness And Pain
Exercise and physical therapy puts healthy stress on your muscles, bones and heart in order to boost their endurance and make them stronger. This
5 Tips For A Safe & Injury-Free Physical Therapy Session
Physical therapy can help you recover after an injury or surgery, but because you’re attempting to strengthen structures at a time when they are
How Physical Therapy Can Enhance Long-Term Function After Joint Replacement
A joint replacement procedure is a major undertaking that will require months of rehabilitation, but for the vast majority of people suffering from
Treating Postural Dysfunction With Physical Therapy
Odds are you had a parent or a teacher tell you to stand up straight or to quit slouching in your chair at some point in your life, but know that you
How Technology Is Innovating The World Of Physical Therapy
Technology is unlikely ever to completely replace a physical therapist, but it can certainly help make our job easier and improve the care that we
How Patients Can Make Their Physical Therapy Exercises More Fun
Physical therapy isn’t always the most fun way to spend your time, but if you do your exercises regularly, you can restore physical function and make