Although we try to make your physical therapy program enjoyable, we understand that it’s probably not your favorite thing to do. We oftentimes field
Why An Individualized Physical Therapy Plan Can Make All The Difference In Your Recovery
Physical therapy is already an incredibly low-cost treatment option compared to other care options like surgery or corticosteroid injections, and it
How To Treat Common Gait Dysfunctions With Physical Therapy
We typically don’t pay much attention to our stride pattern, also known as our gait, but an inefficient or dysfunctional gait can lead to a host of
Pursue Physical Therapy Before Surgery For These 4 Common Health Issues
Physical therapy is an incredibly wonderful first line of treatment for a variety of different health issues. While other treatments like rest, icing
Why Is Physical Therapy So Helpful For Pinched Nerves?
Nerves traverse throughout our body and are vital in helping our brain interpret the world around us, but if they become damaged or compressed, they
How Exercise & Physical Therapy Can Help With Stress Management
We all experience stress each and every day. Stress can be physically and mentally taxing, which is why it’s imperative that you find healthy ways to
6 Signs Your School-Aged Child May Benefit From Physical Therapy
Another school year is right around the corner, and as parents we always want to make sure that our kids are prepared for the physical and mental
Why Physical Therapy Is Becoming A Young Person’s Game
When you think of physical therapy, what do you picture in your head? Many people inherently picture an older individual pursuing physical therapy
Easy Ways To Stay Active Despite Arthritic Joints
Arthritic degeneration comes for us all, and that’s to be expected because our bodies are not immune from stress. Decades of stress will take its toll