Pain can be physically and mentally draining, leaving you with less energy to attack the day. This can cause you to become more sedentary, which only
Why You Should Find A Physical Therapist Before Your Elective Surgery
Millions of Americans undergo eclectic surgery each year. Whether they are hoping to fix a bunion, replace a degenerative joint or repair an injured
5 Benefits Of Physical Therapy For Foot And Ankle Issues
Don’t let foot pain or discomfort slow you down. If you’re dealing with a foot issue that is affecting your gait or causing you to shy away from
Which Type Of Orthotic Is Right For My Recovery?
Every foot shape is unique, and nobody bears stress through their foot in the exact same manner. While the size of a shoe can change, the overall
Don’t Let Leg Weakness Slow You Down
As we get older, it’s not uncommon for a person to have one leg that’s a little bit stronger than the other. It may not seem like a major issue, but
Staying Fit While Aging
A recent article in the Washington Post titled "How to Stay Fit While Aging'' by Kelyn Soong aligns with our values at OrthoRehab Specialists
Physical Therapy For Mommy Tummy (Diastasis Recti)
Your body goes through some amazing physical changes as your baby grows and you prepare for childbirth. Your belly will grow bigger as your child
Fighting Frailty With Physical Therapy
Frailty is a condition in which an individual becomes unable to handle the normal everyday stress that is placed on their body. Their muscles may no
The Difference Between Soreness And Pain
Exercise and physical therapy puts healthy stress on your muscles, bones and heart in order to boost their endurance and make them stronger. This