Arthritic degeneration comes for us all as we get older. Even if our issue isn’t symptomatic, the protective cartilage in your joints will show the
Overcome Painful Intercourse With The Help Of Physical Therapy
Sex is supposed to be a comfortable and enjoyable experience, but the reality is that’s not always the case. In fact, for millions of women in
Knowing The Difference Between Soreness And Pain
Discomfort is the reward we get for pushing our bodies to the limits. After all, if exercise and physical therapy were easy, everyone would do it.
The Difference Between Soreness And Pain
Exercise and physical therapy puts healthy stress on your muscles, bones and heart in order to boost their endurance and make them stronger. This
4 Ways To Reduce Painful Inflammation
You experience inflammation when physical factors trigger an immune response from your body. It’s your body’s natural defense mechanism against stress
Does Physical Therapy Hurt?
When trying to find a topic for today’s blog, we turned to Google to see what questions people were asking about physical therapy. To our surprise,
Physical Therapy For Chronic Pain
Chronic pain affects more than 100 million people in the US each year, and it is one of the most widespread health conditions in the world. It’s also
Why Physical Therapy Is Better Than Other Treatment Methods For Pain
For a large portion of musculoskeletal conditions, physical therapy is the preferred treatment method for a number of reasons. Simply put, when
How Physical Therapy Helps With Pain Control
Physical therapy is often viewed as a technique to help improve function after an injury or surgery, but there’s another aspect of your health that it