Exercising and providing proper body movements can result in a life of greater stamina, purpose, and cognitive clarity. When it comes to exercise,
5 Ways To Safely Exercise During The Winter
Winter is officially here, and in Minnesota, that means we’re in for a few months where we’ll be lucky to see temperatures above the freezing point.
4 Ways To Be More Active In The New Year
Exercising and living a healthier lifestyle are two of the most common resolutions that people make heading into the new year. And while devoting more
5 Super Simple Ways To Be More Active
Our bodies need activity, otherwise muscles can atrophy, joints can weaken and structures can become less stable as they aren’t challenged by physical
How To Stay Active If You Don’t Like Exercise
If you love to wake up early and go for a run as the sun comes up, congratulations, you’re in the minority of people who genuinely love to exercise.
The Benefits of High-Intensity Burst Exercise
A recent article in Minneapolis Star Tribune touted the benefits of short-burst high-intensity exercise followed by periods of rest. In this
Tips for Slowing Down the Aging Process
We all want to remain physically fit long into our wonder years, but that doesn’t happen by accident. It takes work, smart decision making and a
New Clues into How Exercise Bolsters the Brain
Recent research indicates that exercise is correlated with an increase in cognitive function. This is thought to be due to the presence of the GPLD1
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Exercise Routine
You’re probably aware that exercise is one of the best things we can do for our body in terms of both short-term and long-term health. And while it’s