The prospect of heading outside for your regular exercise gets less and less appealing as the temperatures continue to drop. That said, we can’t just
Why Physical Therapy Can Be More Beneficial Than A Gym Membership
Millions of Americans have gym memberships, but that doesn’t mean millions of people are going to the gym multiple times a week. Even if you are one
How Much Exercise do You Need to Stay Healthy?
In a New York Times article, Gretchen Reynolds writes about the amount of exercise we truly need to stay healthy. Some key findings
Should You Exercise If You’re In Pain?
If exercise was easy, everyone would do it. Because exercise and physical therapy are about pushing your body to the limits in order to get stronger,
Physical Therapy Can Make You Better At These 5 Things
Everyone wants to be a better version of themselves, but we don’t always want to do what it takes to make these gains in our life. Physical therapy is
5 Tips For Finding More Energy Throughout The Day
One of the best ways to keep your body healthy is to challenge it physically with exercise and movement each day, but in order to follow through with
5 Ways To Improve Your Bone Density
Our bones help us move, provide structure and help protect our organs, so it’s important that we do what we can to help keep them strong and healthy.
A Brief History Of Physical Therapy
Although modern machines like an interactive balance force plate or a tracker laser may make diagnosing and treating conditions a little easier,
Putting The “Physical” Back In Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is one of the most common forms of treatment for a wide variety of injuries and illnesses. It can help calm an irritated nerve,