Orthotics are designed to help assist in the normal function of the foot and reduce pain. We can create better mechanics for when the foot hits the ground, thus resulting in greater efficiencies when we walk, run, or play. Not only can these help reduce symptoms in the foot, but they can also help decrease knee, hip, and/or back pain as well.

We offer 3 different types of Orthotics:
- Custom – This is the gold standard of orthotic making. A custom cast is made of both feet by using wet plaster to encompass the foot. Your foot will then be placed in the neutral, normal position. Once the cast has been properly fitted, the cast will air dry and a “slipper” will be made of your foot. That “slipper” is then shipped off to be made.
- Heat Molded – using an already made orthotic, we heat the mold using a heat gun and then fit it properly to your foot. This allows us to control the neutral position and personalize the orthotic as we see fit. This option is cheaper than a custom orthotic.
- Over the Counter Orthotics – we have ready to purchase over the control orthotics. This is the cheapest option; however, it lacks customization to your specific foot. In some cases, this is an adequate approach and can help control the foot enough until one gets their strength to the appropriate level.