“Fix your lower back pain forever” – A common and unfortunate tagline purported by health periodicals and professionals as they attempt to reel in “the low hanging fruit” of potential clients and readership with claims designed to entice those with seemingly irreversible lower back pain looking for any possible solution. The fact of the matter is that most lower back pain is complicated and can’t be solved with an easy fix.
Predisposed to Low Back Injuries
As long as there are opportunities to apply inappropriate mechanical loads to our spines, either via a one repetition lift, push or pull, or due to prolonged excessive postures, we will be predisposed to lower back injury. In this day and age there are endless origins to either micro (recurring) or macro (a one-time event) as per how our daily world has changed around us (more sitting and less physical work) as well as the subsequent ramifications to our bodies (we’re weaker and less mobile).
Evolution of the Spine
The spine has not had the time to evolve to withstand the loads placed upon it in this day and age. This creates a progressive perfect storm and we are the losers with approximately 95% of the population experiencing lower back pain at some time in their life. Fortunately most back pain resolves via short term rest, proactive protective care via modifications in posturing and ergonomics followed by the return of functional mobility and strength. Very few people with lower back pain ever need surgery.
Spinal pain is not going away anytime soon and with respect to musculoskeletal disorders in general. It can be one of the most debilitating and life changing maladies to deal with. In a recent article, we talked about a simple and cost free proactive concept that can significantly help reduce your low back pain. It may not be the one and only thing that solves your back pain for good, but it will most likely help.
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