If you’ve been told that you’ll need physical therapy after an injury or surgery, or you’re simply looking to improve certain aspects of your health
Prioritize Your Hip Health With The Help Of A Physical Therapist
Hip fractures send tens of thousands of Americans to the emergency room every year, but new research has found that women between the age of 60 and 70
The Benefits Of Physical Therapy For Injury Avoidance
Physical therapy is oftentimes considered a rehabilitative therapy, and that makes sense because many people seek out a physical therapist’s help
Become Your Best Self With The Help Of A Physical Therapist
We all want to be a little healthier, but achieving this is rarely an easy task. However, you don’t have to try and become stronger, faster or
Why You Should Pursue Physical Therapy After Bunion Surgery
A bunion occurs when our big toe joint ends up shifting out of its natural alignment. When this happens, our big toe typically ends up starting to
Physical Therapy After A Fall Can Save You In Three Key Ways
Fall-related injuries send hundreds of thousands of people to the emergency room or similar healthcare facilities every year. If you or someone you
Improving Your Athletic Longevity Through Physical Therapy
Regular exercise is crucial to a long and healthy life, but it typically becomes harder and harder to stay active as we age. Time constraints aside,
Physical Therapy For Diastasis Rectus Abdominis
Diastasis rectus abdominis (DRA) is an issue that commonly develops in women after pregnancy and childbirth, but it can occur in other individuals as
5 Ways To Stay Active At Your Desk Job
Our bodies crave activity, as movement and exercise help to keep our bodies strong. Physical therapy is a movement-based therapy technique, so of