Do you know someone with dizziness or balance problems? 69 million Americans aged 40 years and older suffered vestibular related problems between 2001
Why You Should Seek Physical Therapy Before Getting an MRI
MRI scans are a common diagnostic tool used by many healthcare providers to identify conditions and injuries. However, they are also quite expensive,
How Seeing a Physical Therapist First Can Save Time & Money
In this physical therapy education article, we are going to explain how seeing a physical therapist for your pain first and foremost can help save you
Physical Therapy for Osteoporosis Patients
Osteoporosis affects many older adults who are at an increased risk of bone fracture and related injuries. There is no way to cure osteoporosis, but
Why You Should Get an Annual Physical Therapy Checkup
Going to your physician for an annual checkup, and to your dentist twice a year are regular practices for many adults. Many people don’t even consider
How Physical Therapy can Help with Incontinence
Urinary incontinence can be an embarrassing and annoying condition. Physical therapy can be a great help in treating incontinence. This physical
I Hurt Myself While Working Out, Can Physical Therapy Help?
Regular exercise is an important element of your overall health and well-being. But workouts can sometimes lead to injuries. In this physical therapy
When to See a Physical Therapist Instead of a Physician
Physical therapists and physicians both have important (yet different) roles to play in patient care. But many people don’t fully understand the
Pregnant & in Pain? Physical Therapy can Help!
Everyone knows that pregnancy comes with a good deal of pain. What many people don’t realize is that you don’t have to simply deal with that pain –