Not all cars are designed the same, and that means parents oftentimes make unique alterations to ensure their child’s car seat is secure.
Difficulty Remembering After A Car Accident
If you’ve suffered a head injury during a car accident, you may notice that you’re suffering from memory loss of having a difficult time
Overcoming Work Limitations after a Car Accident Injury
One of the biggest issues after sustaining a car accident injury is returning to work. If your injuries are minor, you may be able to return to work,
Treatment Options for Connective Tissue Injuries
Connective tissues are located throughout your body. These tissues are tough, flexible, fibrous tissues that connect bones, cartilages, or which hold
The ABCs of Injury Care, Part 1
Caring for your body after an accident injury is a complicated process, but you can make your recovery go easier by following some smart steps,
5 Tips for Recovering from a Car Accident Injury
Oftentimes car accidents are some of the scariest parts of a person’s life, and all they want to do is return to some semblance of normalcy. Now,
When Car Accident Injuries Require Surgery
While some auto accidents result in only minor injuries, others can cause life-threatening physical trauma that must be treated with surgery. When
Common Weight Lifting Back Injuries & Prevention Tips
Lifting weights regularly is a great way to stay in shape and strengthen your back (which can help prevent spinal injuries). However, lifting weights
Why Do Rotator Cuffs Tear Anyway?
This is a common question in my practice and worth the effort here to describe the normal process of which the “lug nuts” of the shoulder girdle