Everyone knows it’s good for your health to live an active lifestyle, and many people think that means hitting the gym every day. While that’s
Independent Living, How to Help Make it Last
As a physical therapist helping middle age and older adults deal with their acute to chronic musculoskeletal issues, I have seen first-hand the
Resistance Training for the Baby Boomers
Baby boomers make up about 25% of the U.S. population, the largest generation of Americans! This post-WWII age cohort is known for
Is Your Keyboard Positioned Correctly?
At first we all simply plunked our computers on the desk we already had, a perfectly natural thing to do. There wasn't much cause to think about where
Why You Need to be Drinking Water Every Day
We're often told we need to be drinking water every day, but we aren't really told why. I have found this infographic (originally found
Softball and Baseball Preseason Training
Summer softball/baseball teams/leagues are forming and a crucial component of one's success and wellbeing is the restoration of functional mobility
Caring For Your Shoulders
Treatable shoulder impairment affects approximately 30% of the American population. This percentage will probably increase as adults desire
The Importance of Drinking Water
Bringing you answers to questions that have been submitted to our inbox, as well as other interesting Physical Therapy or Healthcare Trivia. 1) I
Improving Your “Core” and Preventing the Dreaded Plantar Fasciitis Requires Training Your Feet
The title statement may seem like a strange concept, but as a Performance Physical Therapist, I can assure you that this is central to my practice.