Chronic pain is often hard to diagnose and treat. There are many potential causes, and a wide variety of treatment options available. In this article,
What is Frozen Shoulder?
With a name like “frozen shoulder” some Minnesota patients may assume the condition is caused by too much outdoor activity during our cold winter
Physical Therapy after Knee Replacement Surgery
Physical therapy can be beneficial in treating injuries and conditions, but it is perhaps most essential during surgical recovery. Rehabilitation
Exercises to do Before Physical Therapy Begins
Many patients who are eager to begin treatment want to know if there are any exercises or stretches they can do at home before their physical therapy
Frozen Shoulder & Your Diet
I am slowly getting through the book The Grain Brain by David Perlmutter MD, an interesting read covering an issue (obesity, mental and physical
Website Resources for Physical Therapy Patients
With any medical condition, injury, or treatment, the first place many patients look to nowadays is the internet. There are countless websites and
How to Switch Physical Therapists if you’re Unhappy with your Care
In physical therapy, as with any form of treatment, the patient and care provider need to have a strong relationship. If you and your provider cannot
You’re a Breast Cancer Physical Therapist? What is That?
Usually it’s a simple conversation. “Hi, how are you? Nice to meet you. Which kid on the soccer field is yours? What do you do?” Followed by a
Physical Therapy vs. Chiropractic: What’s the Difference?
Many people get confused about the differences between chiropractic and physical therapy. While the two are somewhat related in the conditions and