Pelvic organ prolapse is a common pelvic floor condition that impacts roughly 30% of all women at some point during their lives. The condition can be
How Relaxation Therapy can Help Reduce Chronic Pain
Chronic pain changes your life. It consumes valuable energy and physical stamina to work through daily activities while managing pain. However,
Visceral Manipulation FAQs
What are Viscera? The internal organs of the body, specifically those within the chest (as the heart or lungs) or abdomen (as the liver, pancreas or
I Do Everything I’m Supposed to, So Why Do I Still Hurt?
When pain refuses to go away... Why does this happen? When no pathology can be found to explain my frequency, duration, or intensity of pain... Am I
Recharge After a Tough Workout!
So, you just braved the Minnesota winter and got your run, walk or bike in? Here are some simple recovery tricks: 1) Get hydrated! Even though it
Just Rock your Long Run?
Start your recovery within 30 minutes of finishing! Most athletes know of the importance of eating before exercise, however, what and when you eat
Trying To Keep Up With Lois
On August 25, 2012, Lois ran the LEAN HORSE Ultra - 50 miles in Hot Springs, South Dakota in nine hours and twenty-five minutes. She finished first