If you’re in high school or college athletics, or you’re just trying to improve before your next rec league game, syncing up with a physical therapist
Treating Pelvic Floor Problems With Physical Therapy
Your pelvis plays a crucial role in supporting your upper body and helping you move, but over the years things can start to break down and pain can
The Role Nutrition Plays In Physical Pain
There are a number of factors that go into the pain care equation that many people gloss over when trying to treat their pain. They see their pain as
Can Physical Therapy Help With Fibromyalgia?
Physical therapy can help with a myriad of conditions, but what about those health issues that are a little harder to pinpoint? Fibromyalgia, for
5 Tips For Sticking To An At-Home Physical Therapy Routine
A key part of the physical therapy process is doing your exercises between in-house visits with a physical therapist. It’s easy to do your exercises
Treating Foot Stress Fractures With Physical Therapy
We stress and strain our feet with every step we take, and over time all this pressure can manifest into what’s known as a stress fracture. A stress
How Physical Therapy Can Help With Hand Injuries
We use our hands each and every day for countless tasks, so if you’re dealing with a dull or nagging pain in your hand or wrist, that discomfort is
Physical Therapy – The Natural and Legal Performance Enhancer
If you’re a high school, collegiate or professional athlete, you know that certain substances are banned as they are considered unfair and potentially
How Physical Therapy Can Help Treat Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is one of the most common health conditions facing Americans today, as more than 100 million people deal with some form of chronic pain