Headaches can come along at a moment’s notice and ruin your day, so it’s important to learn some ways to prevent and treat the condition. Many people
Think You Can’t Benefit From Physical Therapy? Think Again
When you hear the words “physical therapy,” you probably imagine someone performing exercises after a surgical procedure. While that is one type of
Physical Therapy For Wrist Tendinitis
Tendinitis is a health condition involving inflammation of the tendons that connect muscles to bone, and it is most commonly caused by overuse and
Improving Proprioception With Physical Therapy
Proprioception is the term for our body’s ability to recognize itself in space. Your brain is able to determine where the body is in relation to space
Returning To Sport After An ACL Injury
More than 200,000 Americans tear their anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) each year, and oftentimes sporting activity is the underlying cause of the
The Benefits Of Physical Therapy For Hip Problems
Our hips are one of the most overlooked areas when it comes to regular strength training exercises, and considering the functions the area performs
5 Foot And Ankle Conditions That Respond Well To Physical Therapy
Our feet are essential in helping us get from one place to another, and we often don’t realize just how much we ask of our feet on a daily basis until
Physical Therapy Tips For Chronic Neck Pain
Medical data suggests that roughly one in three Americans deal with neck pain each year, and it seems likely that the percentage will only increase as
Physical Therapy For Biceps Tendonitis
Tendonitis is characterized by inflammation of the tendon that attaches muscle to a bone. You’ve probably heard of Achilles tendonitis, but the