There are a number of sub-categories of therapy under the larger umbrella of physical therapy, and the one we want to focus on today is soft tissue
Why Physical Therapy Is Better Than Other Treatment Methods For Pain
For a large portion of musculoskeletal conditions, physical therapy is the preferred treatment method for a number of reasons. Simply put, when
5 Back Problems That Can Be Treated With Physical Therapy
Back pain is one of the most common health conditions in the world, and it also costs companies billions of dollars every year as employees seek
5 Ways Physical Therapy Can Help After Finger Injuries
Whether you’re typing on a computer or opening a pickle jar, we use our fingers for countless tasks each and every day, and oftentimes it takes an
4 Ways A Physical Therapist Can Help Treat Your Headaches
If you’re struggling with chronic or frequent headaches, you may be wondering where you should turn for relief. Your first guess may be your primary
Answering Common Questions About Physical Therapy Amid COVID-19
The coronavirus is still causing problems for people and businesses, and it doesn’t look like the virus is going away anytime soon. COVID-19 is
The Benefits Of Cold Therapy After An Injury Or Workout
If you live in Minnesota, odds are you’re no stranger to being a little cold from time to time, especially in the winter. Being cold causes some
Treating Hamstring Injuries With Physical Therapy
In the posterior compartment of your thigh lies a group of muscles that form your hamstrings. They are the biceps femoris, the semitendinosus and the
4 Ways Physical Therapy Can Help You Manage Stress
Physical therapy is often viewed as a treatment technique that focuses on helping correct physical conditions, and rightfully so, but the therapy