Trigger finger is a medical condition in which one or more of your fingers gets locked in a bent position, similar to if you were attempting to
How Physical Therapy Can Make You A Better Runner
Running is the most common form of exercise on the planet. You don’t need dumbbells, specialized equipment or a gym membership, you just need to lace
5 Helpful Activities To Pursue Alongside Your Physical Therapy Program
After a surgery or injury, it’s often very rare for one and only one treatment to help you recover. Recovery is typically a multi-faceted approach
5 Common Reasons People Don’t Follow Through With Physical Therapy
We set goals all the time that we don’t end up following through with for one reason or another. We say we want to exercise more, eat healthier or
Improve Your Circulation With Physical Therapy
Your circulatory system is responsible for helping blood flow throughout your body, and there is a specific rhythm to this process. If part of this
5 Problems Physical Therapy Can Prevent
Physical therapy is a key tool in helping you improve your health, and one of the ways the technique does this is by preventing things that could be
What Is Manual Therapy And How Can It Help Me?
Physical therapy involves a collection of techniques aimed at helping you recover after an injury or surgery, and one subset of the program is called
10 Shoulder Problems Physical Therapy Can Help Treat
We use our arms each and every day to lift, carry and perform tasks, and while muscles in the area do a lot of work, much of the torque and stress
5 Helpful Tips For New Physical Therapy Grads
The spring semester is almost over, and that means a bevy of new graduates will soon be looking to enter the workforce. Getting your first “real” job