Physical therapy is often just viewed as a way for injured individuals to regain some strength and get back on their feet, but a physical therapy
5 Tips for Treating Hypermobile Joints With Physical Therapy
If you have hypermobile joints, you may be able to move your body in ways that others simply cannot. You may have more flexibility in your fingers,
Physical Therapy For Collarbone Fractures
Your collarbone plays a pivotal role in stabilizing your shoulder and arm, but it’s also not the best suited to handle trauma. Because of this, it’s
Treating Lupus With Physical Therapy
Lupus is a complex autoimmune disorder that can affect a number of different body parts, including the joints, skin and blood vessels. The condition
5 Subtle Signs You Could Benefit From Physical Therapy
Admitting that we need help is oftentimes a difficult realization to make, but the sooner we get the help we need, the better off we are for it. The
Physical Therapy After A C-Section
Roughly one in three babies in the United States are born via a Cesarean section, making the C-section one of the most common inpatient surgical
5 Ways To Increase Your Motivation For Physical Therapy
We’ve all been in situations where we’ve had to dig deep to find motivation to do something that we didn’t want to do. Whether it was getting up
5 Common Workout Mistakes That Can Increase Your Injury Risk
Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health, but a workout routine is also one of the most common sources of injury for many
How Cyclists Could Benefit From A Physical Therapy Program
Summer is in full swing, and that means many Minnesotans are ditching their cars and using their bicycles for commuting and exercise. And whether