If you are injured or working to overcome a new health issue, there are a number of different ways you can attack the problem. We’re big fans of physical therapy for a myriad of issues, but we understand that other modalities can also be quite effective. That said, we want to go to bat for our services and explain why we think you should choose to pursue physical therapy instead of some other common treatments. Below, we explain why we think you should connect with a physical therapist over alternative treatments.
Consider PT Over These Options
Again, some of the options on this list can end up being a wonderful treatment for your issue, but we’re going to explain why we think PT should be your first pursuit instead. We hope you’ll consider physical therapy instead of:
- Doing Nothing – Alright, we admit that we’re starting with a pretty low bar here, but it’s amazing how so many people develop new injuries or illnesses and do nothing about it. The body is great at healing itself, but it struggles to get itself back to a preinjury level of fitness. Muscles atrophy, your conditioning and stamina takes a hit, and you may find that your body just isn’t the same as it was prior to your injury. You’re never going to get back to this level or become even stronger than you were before the injury if you don’t pursue a proactive treatment that targets the specific areas of your body that have been affected by the issue.
- Your Primary Care Physician – Your primary care physician is probably a wonderful physician. They have an incredible understanding of a wealth of subjects, but oftentimes they will refer you elsewhere for treatment. Oftentimes, that referral is to a PT clinic. Not only can going directly to a physical therapy clinic for a joint or soft tissue injury help you begin treatment sooner, but it can typically save you money in the form of fewer medical visits. You don’t need a referral to sync up with a PT, so for certain issues, it can be extremely beneficial to head right to a PT clinic instead of trying to find time to be seen by your primary physician who likely wouldn’t directly oversee your treatment anyways.
- Medications– As we’ve said on the blog in the past and will likely say again, medications and painkillers can play a great role in a comprehensive treatment plan. However, they aren’t an ideal standalone option. Painkillers can mask symptoms and resolve discomfort, but they don’t target the underlying issue. If you’re going to take medications or painkillers, we highly recommend pairing a passive treatment with an active treatment like physical therapy, especially if painkillers make it easier for you to pursue your PT exercises.
- Chiropractic Care– If you’re going to head somewhere for regular care until you overcome an issue, we think you should head to a PT clinic instead of a chiropractor’s office. Again, they are great at what they do, but oftentimes the focus should be on strengthening structures and improving support and stability in specific areas of the body to decompress structures or relieve nerve pain. Chiropractic manipulation relief can be fleeting, but helping your body become stronger through physical therapy exercises and posture improvements can set you up for long-term relief.
- Surgery– Surgery can do things that physical therapy can’t, but it’s rarely the best option to pursue out of the gates. If physical therapy or a combination of other treatments can help you make a full recovery, it’s typically preferred to undergoing a costly operation. Even if the surgery is considered safe, there will always be more risks involved with a surgical procedure than physical therapy, which is why so many doctors try to avoid surgery if they can. If you’ve pursued other techniques to no avail, surgery may be your best option, but if you have yet to give conservative care a go, don’t be surprised if your doctor recommends PT.
Let us put this list to the test. If you’re dealing with a physical health issue, make an appointment with the team at OrthoRehab Specialists to see what we have to offer. For more information, or to schedule that appointment, give our clinic a call today at (612) 339-2041.
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