We want every member of our family to be healthy, and while you have some control over the diet and exercise habits of those in your household, you can’t force them to make health-positive choices. However, if you find some sneaky ways to incorporate healthy choices into daily life, we’re confident that your family will end up making some better choices for their short- and long-term health. In today’s blog, we share five tips for keeping your family active and healthy.
- Get Outside Regularly– The weather is warming up and the sun is setting later in the day, which makes it much easier to get out of the house and enjoy the outdoors. Kids won’t be sitting in front of a screen if they are out in the driveway riding a bicycle or playing on the playset, so make it a point to get outside and play for a bit every day if possible. The fresh air, the movement and sunlight will all be beneficial for their health.
- Incorporate Your Kids In Mealtime Decisions– If you ask your kids what they want for dinner, they’ll probably say something like pizza, burgers or mac and cheese. These aren’t the best options, but we also understand that they may not be over the moon for beef with broccoli or a quinoa bowl. Rethink mealtime and let your kids have some ownership in the situation while still presenting them with healthy options. Give them a choice of three healthy options to choose from, or let them pick the fruit and vegetable for the evening, Let them have some say in meals at home, and consider mealplanning at the start of the week so that you’re less likely to lean on fast food or flash frozen options in the event that life gets busy.
- Treat Lingering Discomfort– Lingering discomfort, even if it is quite mild, can force us to be less active than we’d like to be. If you, your spouse or your children have been dealing with a new injury or an underlying health issue, don’t just assume it will eventually go away on its own. In the majority of cases, pain gets worse without active intervention, and while you should seek out individualized advice, there’s a good chance that a physical therapist can be a great resource in your quest for effective treatment. Don’t let pain or discomfort keep you on the sidelines or force you to be less active than you’d like. Let a physical therapist help you overcome whatever physical challenges are holding you back.
- Plan Active Weekend Adventures– Make it a point to do something active each and every weekend. There are so many amazing outdoor activities to pursue in the greater Twin Cities area, and if they get your family upright and moving, they will be beneficial to their health. Go on a nature walk, bike around one of the many area lakes, go mini golfing, swim at the pool or simply spend an hour or two at a local park. Again, it can be helpful to let your kids pick the activity from a list of options so that they feel like they have more ownership in the activity.
- Join An Active Group– Finally, there are so many wonderful organizations and groups out there that naturally help to keep you and your family active. Talk with your child about their interests and see what types of activities you could sign up for through the city or a local recreational department. There are sports leagues running all year round in Minnesota, but you can also join a Girl Scout group or a youth exploration club. Bring a friend along or make new friends when you get involved in local group activities. Besides helping to keep them healthy, these social groups and organizations can help to develop other lifelong skills like teamwork, communication and respect. Get involved in a local group or organization!
If you follow these tips and let the team at OrthoRehab Specialists manage any new health ailments that may develop along the way, we know you and your family will be better off for it. For more information, or for help treating a specific condition, reach out to our team today at (612) 339-2041.
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